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As a St Louis wedding photographer I thought it might be fun to talk Stl wedding locations

As a St Louis wedding photographer I thought it might be fun to talk Stl wedding locations. In any case, I’m writing this blog to highlight some of the locations in and around St Louis. There are for example locations in Stl for great wedding photo ops.

St Louis is blessed with great locations to get those fun and sometimes whimsical wedding shots. Needless to say I have had the privilege to shoot most of these locations over the years. Some can be strategic as most brides are following a time line and the location can play a major role in the time line. Some places can offer you a space for the ceremony and reception.

Likewise you can find reception spaces that have wonderful surroundings for the photo shoot. These can take place at the vineyards or anywhere with trees or garden spots. Analyze your timeline and if you don’t have the time these wedding venues can be a lifesaver. Don’t try and control every detail. Ask your photographer they may have the park or space for the perfect shoot within your timeline. They can also go to the Chapel, Church, and reception area and scope it out for you. 

For example try to personalize your location if possible. What I mean is pick a location that means something to you. It does not always have to be a park. I shoot often Down Town St Louis because of the iconic Arch it can be in the back ground. For example,  Kiener plaza and the Arch grounds themselves are fun places. Needless to say we have the Bush Stadium or Blues Enterprise Center for the photos. Either way, maybe your proposal took place in a park or perhaps a park you both frequent to spend time together. In fact, one couple chose a park because it was when they first met.That is to say, these places can mean more when you have a personal connection. 

At times I find myself advising brides and grooms to rethink their plans due to following a tight time line and not factoring in certain variables. Needless to say I have been shooting in and around St Louis for a long time I know the area well. Consider this,what can go wrong? Traffic in St Louis can he horrific at times and if you get stuck in traffic it can eat up your all your time. Notably, Forest park is one of my favorite places, however if you try to get through it on a Saturday afternoon you may be in for a wait as well. Let’s face it most wedding take place on a Saturday. 

On the other hand, this is why I encourage you to choose an experienced photographer like Dave Hunsche Photography, to discuss the logistics of your plans. That is to say, knowing the Stl market can be added plus to plan that special day. At any rate, Forest Park is a favorite spot because it’s big and offer lots of spots. Needless to say, It is also strategic in location. Again time of day and day itself can cost you time getting in and out.
Tower Grove Park is fun and can get in and out pretty quick. If you have a south city wedding planned.
Laumeier Sculpture Park is a fun spot with lots of sculptures to add to your background, not a ton of spots but fun and easy to get in and out. This park is South city also. 

Bee tree Park was fun lots of photo ops and old building with stone offer a great place to pose.
Ballpark Village is a fun stop and wet your whistle along with some fun shots in and around the building.
Creve Coeur lake Park is fun and the lake offers a great backdrop.
Missouri Botanical Gardens cost a little but the photo ops are boundless also a midtown favorite.
If it’s a Cityscape you’re looking for we have Down Town St Louis Landing, Central west end, and beautiful Down Town St Charles. 

It does not matter what you’re looking for you will find it in St Louis. I will include a link at the bottom for you that will have a ton of Parks to choose from. Even more, I will give a plug to one of my favorite undiscovered venues in St Louis. 

For the purpose of spotlighting a great venue I introduce Garden of Live Spiritual Center located at 9525 Eddie and Park Road easy to find. Needless to say this is a great place for everything. Budget conscience brides take note. You can get married here, reception, and yes a wonderful garden spot for photos. I love this place because it’s a one stop shop. Moreover, the event manager is Christine and I can tell you she is fabulous to work with. That is to say she can help you with your wedding planning. 
keener plaza wedding photo

23 Overlooked wedding details

Congratulations you’re getting married. there will be overlooked wedding details. Needless to say,there will be lots of details to remember. Wedding planning is no easy task. It’s nearly impossible not to forget some things.

No matter how many list you have put together likewise you’re going to forget things. Likewise,there are lots of folks out there giving advice on how to manage the wedding process.


Not to mention some are not afraid to charge above all , for some of this free advice.

For example one website I noticed is offering a free checklist. But then again only after you sign up with them. Now to get bombed with emails and text, from a ton of other vendors.

flowers, Stl wedding


Stl wedding photographer captures flower shot

As a result this blog I’m going to give you something for free. Totally free, no sign ups or emails. Above all, I am a Stl wedding photographer and I have been shooting weddings for over ten years. What I’m going to share with you is what I observed, and the most forgotten things at a wedding.

That is to say, I am sure you will have thought of most of these things; My purpose of writing about these is you might find one or two areas you may have over looked. As a St Louis wedding photographer I have seen many mishaps.

Finally let’s get started viewing the list. Noteworthy this list is not in any order I just jotted down what I recalled from any number of weddings.

Despite all the planning there’s always something that gets forgotten on wedding days.

1. Safety Pins

Yes safety pins. That is to say, you would not believe how loose those folks at the tuxedo store put in the men’s pants hems. Needless to say the bottom hem is always coming out. Let’s face it stuff breaks have some pins handy. Likewise, don’t forget an emergency kit as well, cuts, a poke, who knows.

2. Phone Charger

As a matter of fact taking lots of pictures will run your phone down fast. Have a phone charger or wall charger.

3. STL Bride and groom to-go boxes.

For this reason, ask your caterer to make bride and groom to-go boxes for you and your new husband to snack on later. With this in mind, late night snacks are the best.

4. Getting-ready clothes

Often times your photographer wants to get some shot of you getting ready. Even more, put some thought into what you will be wearing while you are getting ready. These shots are sometimes the best moments with your bridesmaids.

5. Vendor Contact information

More importantly you should have all of this information at your fingertips, something always comes up leaving brides scrambling for phone numbers. During the wedding process there is a lot of delegation not one person does it all so the contact information may be hard to find at a moment’s notice.

6.  Bad Weather

Always have a contingency plan for bad weather. That being the case have rain gear. Fall weddings can get cold needless to say bring a coat.

7. Appointing someone

Appointing someone you trust to deal with gifts and gift cards. I recommend doing this ahead of time.

8.  Accessories for the cake table

Even though most venues will do this, I will tell you one in five don’t and at cake cutting time we are missing the knife, spade, or plate. Buy your own if you can its personal and an iconic close-up photo.

9. Thank you notes

Subsequently, you make up your thank you note in advance the wedding photographer can get the shot of you two holding a big thank you sign that you can easily forward to your guest quick, through email of social media outlets.

hands,photographer st louis


STL wedding photographer takes hands shot

10. Budget for gratuity

Not to mention, pretty much a no brainier here but I have seen it time and again the bride and groom don’t have actual cash. Why would they, after all Its not like they are shopping. Some folks plan ahead with envelopes stuffed with cash for vendors. Don’t forget your ID’s too.

11. Uncle Harry

In short, make sure you don’t have an Uncle Harry running around behind the photographer snapping pics. Kindly remind them to leave the point and shoot at home. The photographer will be happy.

12. Time for florist

Similarly, this is a big one with lots of little stuff to remember. That is to say, have them delivered early so if they are running late you will get your flowers when the photographer is ready to shoot. Needless to say, make sure (if they are real), check the bottom of the bouquets is dry before picking them up to avoid getting your dress wet or possibly stained.

13. Check with guest food allergies

Actually, another no brainier most folks catch, but check with your guest for any dietary restrictions or possible allergies especially the little ones who seem too often get into everything.

14. Talk to vendors

Needless to say, this is always a good thing to do ahead of time don’t wait. Talk to your vendors about possible overtime and what they charge or need from you if you need them to stay longer.

15. Folks cry

First of all, folks cry a lot at wedding and you might too. For instance, think about water proof makeup or lashes to keep those eyes dry.

16. Garter

Have one you’ll need it for the toss.

17. Change of clothes

Certainty think this one through you will need a change of clothing, shoes, back-up shoes, and anything thing else personal. Kindly ask one of your bridesmaids to be in charge.

18. Welcome bags

This is for you’re out of town guest. Have a nice welcome bag for them at the hotel. It is too easy to leave them out with all that is going on that day. Your out of town guest should begin their experience when they arrive. Finally, give them all the details about the wedding, times, addresses, and just the pertinent information.  

19. Eat

Including you, yes you, have plenty of water at all times and some snacks. needless to say, it’s a stressful, and at times hectic day requiring a lot of energy from you.

20. Left side

For one thing, when you are heading down the aisle with your father you should be on his left side. Practice waking instep this is a great photo op. Likewise when facing the altar be on the grooms left side.

21. Receiving line

How are you going to greet your guest after the wedding if at all? Granted, if you are planning a receiving line, be aware they can take up a lot time. Even more, time is not your pal on the big day. Most noteworthy, they can take up to an hour depending on how many guests you have.

22. Ring box

In fact, a special ring box is always a great idea for the ring shot. More importantly, the photographer will love you for it and capturing your photos will be one to remember. For example, don’t give the rings to the best man; you will need them for the detail shots. Nevertheless,you will have to find a way to get the rings back to him after the shot.

23. Dress for the park

Consequently, If you are going to a park for wedding shots, consider different shoes or if you wear your heels get heel stoppers. As a result your heels can sink into the grass. Furthermore, don’t sit on the grass for a fancy photo without putting something down. Finally, you may want to bustle your dress while walking through the grass. Stains may spoil the rest of the day.

Granted, I think most of these are on someone’s list somewhere but I hope to have sparked your interest. Regardless these things do and will happen. Don’t worry though, it’s your special day and you are among good friends and family who will help you recover quickly if needed.



Hence the best advice I can offer to you is be rested and fresh for your big day. Above all, try to manage the delicate balance between knowing the day is stressful and knowing that it is about you, and even more your special moments.

Wedding Photographers ring in the new year!

Why is the trend of hiring a professional wedding photographer becoming ever more popular these days and certainly for the New Year 2019? Wedding Photographers ring in the new year! Nevertheless, Photography in general is no doubt an art form, just like a painter. Comparatively, the amateur photographer misses the mark and simply hits the shutter. Furthermore, a professional photographer remains approachable and chic. We bring to the table a calming effect to the bride and groom. In other words, a professional photographer creates happy moments and captures the special moments with a sort of ease. Consequently, we are putting the bride and groom in a passionate place about getting photographed.

bride celebrating

Giving these points one can begin to see the logic and reason for the growing trend. Now throw into the mix a strong economy and we can clearly see the wedding industry as a whole will not be slowing down anytime soon. In yet more good news for photographers, wedding budgets are moving up. As a result, wedding wire and the Knot are also reporting s strong predictions for the upcoming season.

Needless to say most photographers are small local folks, working within their zip codes. Most photographers are dedicated, and committed. Brides are expecting much more and the demand for better images is a must. Ultimately the industry is heavily dictated by the marriage rate. Disposable income will also add to the nuptial spending and this is predicted to increase in 2019. Henceforth the potential opportunity for the wedding photography industry is positive.

Millennials are more likely to pay for their own weddings. 18% fewer couples who married last year aged between 25 and 35 were given money from their parents. Despite this the Bride and Groom will foot the bill entirely themselves. Input in wedding planning from Mothers is down to 44% (from 52%), from partner’s Mothers is down to 15% (from 23%) and from Fathers is down to 11% (down from 13%).  Having said this, the couple is put into a position to host their own wedding, and spend their money anyway creative way they wish. These millennials do so enjoy the wow moments the professional photographer can bring to the special day.

bride hands

In closing I think trends point to couples today wanting their guest to notice all the effort that had gone into the planning and expense of the wedding day. Overall they have created new ways to engage their guest, and part of this trend includes sharing the extravagant photos. Professional wedding photographers can provide a fabulous customized, personal experience to the wedding. We saw a 10 percent increase in our wedding business in 2018 and all indicators show that we are on track for the same in 2019.

Come Visit

Price Guide to Choosing a Photographer

STL photo of wedding shoes
STL wedding row of glasses

This a price guide to choosing a photographer without all the ads.

In reality, research has already been done on this topic. Moreover, I spent a good deal of time myself, with this in mind I know this is not for all brides. I have learned that you shouldn’t try to please everyone. As a result, you end up attracting no one. I’ll start off with the disclaimer that there are talented photographers at all price ranges. Coupled with the fact they have a particular style and finesse. One should always look at the work of the photographer. Having said this, the bride or groom typically begins with investing time reading all the bridal magazines.and looking at the most prestigious corporate websites.
Millennial’s seem to get most of the attention from websites attracting them to advertisers and companies selling wedding products.

Gen Alpha, Gen Z has grown up in the age of technology and digital media; everything is at their touch through mobile technology. However according to critics, we might look beyond typical corporate channels for new wedding options. For example the corporate websites can sometimes give the perception that the paid ads and Photoshop pictures are what your wedding is going to look like if you just spend enough money.

I believe all brides dream about getting the very best photographer with high end magazine quality images. At any rate, the corporate brand has convinced us that the experience is going to match our perception. With this intention, the service will be fabulous because our perception is it must be, look at what the photographer is charging. 

Surprisingly what’s the real value to looking beyond the corporate ads and why look for a local photographer? That’s easy you can keep your hard earned money. The local home grown photographer passes the savings on to you. To clarify, the final analysis I can say that the higher the price the higher the perceived quality just is not true. Additionally by supporting small businesses, like Dave Hunsche Photography, you can expect more, and we can give more. Its important to realize we will deliver stronger customer service, and we can certainly be more flexible with service packages. We can design a package to fit your needs. I’m eager to go above and beyond to make sure your special day is captured. Start with small steps let’s build a relationship and establish trust along the way. We begin this process with the engagement session.

 Never the less there is a lot more involved in creating the perfect memory of your wedding day. Being a solid photo editor is essential, or you have to farm out the post-production, this adds to the cost.
Ask yourself these questions why are they cheaper?
1. What corners are they cutting?
2. Are they using good gear?
3. Are they insured?
4. Do they have the experience?
It’s important to realize if you are satisfied with their style of photography and these areas are good, then look no further.

Keep in mind photographers are running a business and with any business there can be cost involved with running it. Over charging to make your service look better is damaging to the market and to the wedding photography industry.

My final thoughts on the matter are photographers invest a lot of time and money in their craft. Whereas, they do this primarily because they love what they do and of course want to make a buck while doing it. It’s important to realize almost all photographers are passionate about photography and want to get your wedding day right.

Dave Hunsche Photography   /contact  

Get to Know

Get to know your photographer. Do the engagement session as a chance to work with your photographer. All in all, I think it’s  important to build a rapport with a couple before the wedding. I like to have an actual conversation face to face, even more get to know time.  Equally important is the trust you build going over the time line, after all your photographer will be with you all day.

It’s a funny thing but I never forget a bride and groom. I may forget the reception or church. But I never forget the relationship I forged with the wedding couple.  I like to take the entire experience in and capture the story of the relationship. As a part of the get to know, I recall this couple was married outside in 100 degree temps in the middle of it all, a thunderstorm. Later there would be a rainbow, I think just for them. /contact

bride groom walking